God is truly Amazing!
Sometimes it’s easy to forget that this God who created the universe, planets, solar systems, stars, sun and moon is the same God that intricately created the smallest insect. It’s easy to forget that He cares about every weighing thought and burden we have. I admit that I don’t take it “All” to him at times because I believe that he may be “too busy” to tend the certain needs I may have… it’s really my Pride that gets in my way…
Last week God reminded me that he Providentially Places me in the right place at the right time. Last Friday I was on my way home from the base, talking to my wife on the phone when I looked to my left and realized I was passing her job at the Base Club. We have the convenience of working on the same base. So I frequently stop by just to say hello and to visit with her coworkers and boss, who have a very demanding job, and as a Chaplain I am constantly concerned about their Self-Care. My wife was out of town on a conference that week so I didn’t stop by at all. All of a sudden I get this pressing in on my spirit that I need to stop by and check on them. So I do… The set up began…
I walked into an Officer’s Lounge of the Club and it is filled with Pilots; highly unusual…
I walked into a “quasi memorial celebration” for a fellow pilot who was killed in his plane earlier that week.
These are my pilots, my ministry responsibility, I am their Chaplain… Needless to say I spent the next 2 hours there providing ministry to these men who really don’t show any emotions.
We talked, hugged, laughed, some cried, others prayed…
All in all I was the one who left there encouraged; I needed to connect and God placed me at the right place at the right time and used that situation to share with others, who may not have a “public faith” position, that HE cares about them…
Q: Has God ever placed you in a place or position where you know in your inner that he providentially placed you there?
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