Oswald Chambers, My Upmost for his Highest (http://www.myutmostforhishighest.org/); has been very instrumental in my Christian journey especially in my formative Christian years. Honestly, as a young Christian, much of what he wrote went way over my head. I remember reading the quote below and thinking what is he talking about.
“If you are devoted to the cause of humanity you will soon be exhausted, and have your heart broken by ingratitude, but if the main spring of your service is love for Jesus, you can serve men although they treat you as a doormat, never look for justice in this world but never cease to give it.”
“If you are devoted to the cause of humanity you will soon be exhausted, and have your heart broken by ingratitude, but if the main spring of your service is love for Jesus, you can serve men although they treat you as a doormat, never look for justice in this world but never cease to give it.”
Despite being “new to the game”, as we use to say back in the day on the streets of New York City; the game in this context being public ministry and serving, I see how being devoted to man rather than Jesus in serving man can leave one exhausted, even bitter and resentful. I have met my share of Pastors and Church Leaders who just don’t seem to “enjoy” people anymore for the most part because people have let them down and have been ungracious.
I too have felt the tension of continuing to serve man with a heart that displays a genuine attitude despite feeling unappreciated, unwanted and inadequate.
It is not on my own strength that I can lean or trust but on Jesus my Rock must I put all my weight on… I must serve because He served mankind until His death... Easier Said then Done!!
How do YOU stay faithful to serving when those you serve hurt you or let you down?
Chap Brito
Chap Brito
It would be impossible in our own strength to serve men the way in which Our Lord perscribes. In my estimation, that's the way he likes it. When we are able to do things that are too great for us, we began depending solely on him. Lost in the unforgiving fires of servanthood is anything that would take glory from. An Alnighty God. That's why the same Apostle that said 'Woe is me if I preach not the gospel" later acknowledges "in my weakness, he is made strong!". He understood that even in the strains of service, God was his strength. Real ministry is doing what must be done, whether we like it or, as in most cases, not!
ReplyDeleteIf you serve man, you WILL get hurt. Its Gods way of showing us, just how far he went to serve us through his son Jesus. When you serve with that perspective it focuses you on Gods agenda rather than our own. Even Jesus PRAYED "Father if it be thy will, remove this cup...". In my sanctified imagination that is to say "why do I have to do this for these ungrateful folk down here?". But with the conviction that he existed to do the will of his father, he steadies himself and instantaneously agrees, "not MY WILL BUT THY WILL BE DONE!". He knew his purpose. When we know ours we can serve others through the love of God, we sacrifice the comforts of self preservation for the will of Gods purpose working through us!
Dedrick L. Hopkins
There are two pleasures that I can seek, but not at the same time. The pleasure of praise from others or the pleasure of knowing my God is smiling as I do his will. Instant gratification is often where I go and that would be the outward acceptance of people. The problem is that acceptance is based on my performance and not my heart. That leads me to a life on an emotional roller coaster. When I seek to please God by using my gifts in quite confidence I experience a peace. Too often the desire for hype (praise) is my goal rather than peace. How can I serve those who hurt me? By letting go of the need for the emotional rush and stepping forward with confidence in God's will.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the challenging question. Reminding me to focus on God first and then people.
@Dedrick - thanks for the thoughts... very sell said especially the last part about our knowing our purpose... I think that this is what anchored Jesus to the death… and this is the one thing that will anchor all those who serve…
ReplyDeleteThanks D...
@Tirzah... thanks for that revealing post… I so agree with this statement “The problem is that acceptance is based on my performance and not my heart” – Henry Blackaby’s Experiencing God touches this very issue… serving will exploit your weak areas… then we must deal with those things that are not so easy to deal with or those things that don’t look good… performance based ministry is not something that I want to key in on… thanks again Tirzah…