Oswald Chambers, My Upmost for his Highest (http://www.myutmostforhishighest.org/); has been very instrumental in my Christian journey especially in my formative Christian years. Honestly, as a young Christian, much of what he wrote went way over my head. I remember reading the quote below and thinking what is he talking about.
“If you are devoted to the cause of humanity you will soon be exhausted, and have your heart broken by ingratitude, but if the main spring of your service is love for Jesus, you can serve men although they treat you as a doormat, never look for justice in this world but never cease to give it.”
“If you are devoted to the cause of humanity you will soon be exhausted, and have your heart broken by ingratitude, but if the main spring of your service is love for Jesus, you can serve men although they treat you as a doormat, never look for justice in this world but never cease to give it.”
Despite being “new to the game”, as we use to say back in the day on the streets of New York City; the game in this context being public ministry and serving, I see how being devoted to man rather than Jesus in serving man can leave one exhausted, even bitter and resentful. I have met my share of Pastors and Church Leaders who just don’t seem to “enjoy” people anymore for the most part because people have let them down and have been ungracious.
I too have felt the tension of continuing to serve man with a heart that displays a genuine attitude despite feeling unappreciated, unwanted and inadequate.
It is not on my own strength that I can lean or trust but on Jesus my Rock must I put all my weight on… I must serve because He served mankind until His death... Easier Said then Done!!
How do YOU stay faithful to serving when those you serve hurt you or let you down?
Chap Brito
Chap Brito